

Loyalty and crowd-driven lock-in…

… or what marketeers can learn from John Denver’s “Leaving on a jet-plane”.

I will be kinda unorthodox, but it is for the sake of the non-believers in new communication.

You know the cost of acquiring a new customer is much higher than keeping an existing customer most of the time.


You got to step one.

Now, the question is, how do you keep customers?

The first way to go is to make sure your product or service is worth wile, you threat your customer with respect,… you make sure you have one happy customer.

The more controversial path also implies making sure that it becomes more difficult for a customer to leave you. In the old days, monopolist really mastered this game. But customers becoming more and more reluctant to this approach (as they should be!). Most people now do not feel anything when they switch suppliers and leave you alone in the dark. These same people however still feel sad when leaving people, their peers, their network,… behind.
So lock-in these days becomes a social lock-in where people who want to stop using your product or service also have to leave their social network around your brand behind… Take away the person’s loved away and they feel like leaving on a jet-plane and they will search for confirmation.

Loyalty becomes a social game.

Step 2 achieved!

Thank you John!

Introducing: The 4C Matrix

You also read the trend reports, get information from your agency or hear your son talk about all those new things. Socialweb, media, youth marketing, blablablah,…

The question is, what do you do with it? When I was working on a 20 slide presentation on Youth marketing, I realised that asking the question has already been done. It is the answer that is important. Realising that their is not 1 answer or solution, you might just leave it at that. However, with the advantages of the social web in mind (Not only talk the talk you know), I figured out that giving a possible solution and leave it open for discussion (yes, that is you!) is better than just making another presentation full of questions.

So I give you: The 4C Matrix that can help you in bringing together classical market segmentation theories and creative communication.

Dive right into the presentation right here!


Let me know how you see things!

Event Driven Marketing: Still hot?

Event Driven Marketing, the term exist already for some years now. So you might argue if it is still hot in modern Marketing. However, a quick look on the number of direct mails and other marcom you receive indicates that a lot of companies urgently need to have a look at what Event Driven Marketing is all about.

Off course, pure by coincidence, I just finished a white paper I was working on more than a year ago. It gives you a fast-paced glimps at what Event Driven Marketing is all about. If you have heard the phrase “We should start from the customer” more than 3 times in your last 5 meetings, you should probably read this ;-).

Feel free to download the PDF file (via Slideshare). After all, it is… Free!

And also, do not hesitate to give your view on it! 😉

Happy EDM-ing!

Ice age 3 coming to your pocket…

… or phone at least.

Yesterday, when entering the cinema, my cellphone started shaking in my pocket. Nobody was trying to call or text me, but a automatically received a request from Ice Age 3 (not typically a friend in my phone book). Upon accepting the bluetooth request, I got the first 1,5 minute of the movie to look at. Much better then a dull photo.

Oh, and by the way, the movie was great 😉